Sunday, November 30, 2008

Birthing Babies

I have a daughter.... she is almost 7... so I have been pregnant...actually twice.... but only one baby is mine... I was a gestational surrogate and carried twins... but I never actually gave birth to any child I have carried. I had a C-Section with my daughter and had a c-section with the twins. I have never been in labor. I have only have minor contractions. I have never even seen anyone in hard labor.... until November 19th.

My bestest friend in the entire world (not just saying that because she reads this) gave birth to her 4th surrogate baby... Second surrogate pregnancy... So yeah, she had triplets the first time. Anyway, She was induced Nov 19th and I was lucky enough to get to fly to California to be there with her. It was an incredable experience. But holy hell that looked like it hurt bad. She was in active labor for 7 hours and refused an epidural until the end... when she was ready to get one, she was already at 8 almost go time. She quickly went from being in pain to pushing out about 2 whole pushes...

I will say one thing... the human body is amazing...but I will NEVER ever endure childbirth.

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