Some people really rub me the wrong way. I mean, how can you be that stupid? I understand that some people just really are not very smart, but give me a break.
Saying you didn't know is no excuse for being ignorant! Why do people feel the need to prove how stupid they really are? Just keep your damn mouth shut...that way no one knows really how stupid you are!
Bet you are wondering why I am ranting about stupid people.
I just seem to be coming in contact with a lot of people who are just ignorant. Now, it may just be that I am nor bitchy lately! (which wouldn't surprise me at all)
So here are some examples of IGNORANT people in my life that I have been unfortunate enough to have contact with lately! (if you think that I am talking about you, then you are probably right.... and maybe not as ignorant as you are letting on to be)
*Some random girl on a message board that I frequent. UGG...she gives new meaning to ignorant. What makes matters worse is that she tries to defend her ignorance with more ignorance! (I often wonder why I let people who I will NEVER meet have that much effect on me. Well, who the hell knows)
*A dear friend of mine. She used to be pretty smart. Now I just think that she has let herself "slip". She is comfortable with her life. She is not willing to try and make things better for herself and her children. She is only ignorant in the sense that she knows better and refuses to change.
*Stupid girl at work... GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK! You really can't be that stupid! OK I guess you can.
*MySpace people who "buy" me... Umm I AM NOT FOR SALE!
*That girl who is dating this guy I work with. She is super smart. She is a wonderful person. But for some reason she chooses to date this ignorant guy. Now, he is only ignorant because he refuses to see what a great person he has in front of him.
I guess Ignorance really is bliss... because these people all seem to be happy! Ignorant, but happy... I guess that makes it all ok.
13 years ago
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